Founded on Dec 3, 1933
Welcome To the Gay Jones Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 921
Our mission is to foster camaraderie among US veterans of overseas conflicts while serving veterans and our community.
Our mission is to foster camaraderie among US veterans of overseas conflicts while serving veterans and our community.
The Snohomish Community Memorial was unveiled at a Memorial Day ceremony held May 29, 2023 at the new Snohomish Carnegie Veterans Memorial Park in downtown Snohomish, 105 Cedar Ave. The memorial, in the shape of an obelisk, had been moved from its home to the G.A.R. Cemetery, just outside of town, while the historic building was restored. This obelisk honors about 80 veterans from Snohomish and the surrounding area who died fighting in conflicts dating from World War I through Vietnam and to Iraq. The original 1961 dedication pamphlet provides us words that ring true to this day, "In memory of those who gave their lives that we might live." Senator Lovick and Mayor Redmon led remarks alongside leaders from Veteran Service Organizations in town. The Snohomish HS Marine Corps JROTC provided the color guard and shadow taps were played. Additional site elements are planned for a future date.
Thank you Mayor Kartak and Snohomish City Council for supporting, and signing, the proclamation to become a Purple Heart City! Special thank you to Nick & Dina Flack for the wood engraving to accompany it at city hall. A solemn way to remember Pearl Harbor day. Lest we forget!
VFW Post 921 is proud to be a Purple Heart Post and form part of the National Purple Heart Trail with the City of Snohomish! To learn more about the medal, the trail or what it means to support those who have sacrificed for our nation's cause, follow this link: https://www.purpleheart.org/PurpleHeartTrail
National first place winner is awarded a $30,000 scholarship with each State winner earning a minimum of $1000 scholarship and an all expense paid trip to DC. Click the link below for more details! This is one of our favorite community services projects that allows veterans to help build their community and its future leaders.
For more information from the National VFW, please check:
Interested in joining our ranks and serving veterans and our community? Please check your eligibility below or contact us!
Matt Hammerle, Membership Chair, wants you to join our Post! Please reach out to him via text at 808-478-3521 or email at uh1hff@yahoo.com. He has also prepositioned application at the Snohomish American Legion Post 96 bar should you wish to apply with the bartender. We welcome any transfers, and look forward to volunteering with you to support our veterans in the community!
We meet at the American Legion: 1201 1st St, Snohomish, WA 98290
1201 1st Street, Snohomish, Washington 98290, United States
1st Tuesday of the month: 6-7 pm with social call afterward 7-8 pm